Eyüp Pierre Loti Hill, one of the most important spaces of Istanbul.

İdris-i Bitlisi Sıbyan Mektebi
This masterwork,belonging to the period predates Mimar Sinan, is the first educational institution established in all cities and towns of Ottoman Empire. As in many foundations in Ottoman Empire, these schools, which correspond to “nursery schools” in today’s context, were constructed in the form of charitable foundations thanks to some benefacters. This building was constructed on the purpose of charity by an important Ottoman historian İdris-i Bitlisi,who took charge in East Anatolia and Arabia as kazasker(military judge), (in the period of Yavuz Sultan Selim).

Drinking Fount of Rayet Keşan Kalfa
The drinking tap, made of ashlar, is in the form of Turkish fount architecture.It’s known that, there was a tap of İdris-i Bitlisi on the location of this one, but later on it lied in ruins.The masterwork is called with this name as Rayet Keşan Kalfa,one of the bondwomen of Sultan Abdülaziz,had it restored in 1858.

The Sepulcher of Mevlevi Iskender Dede
Once upon a time in this garden, full of great sycamores and cypreases, there was also a zaviye (small dervish lodge) called with the name of Iskender Dede, who dided in 1589 ( 997 moslom calendar)

The Wishing Well
The fame of this well, known as wishing well; has survived until today .In Evliya Çelebi’s Seyahatname( a travel book) the well is mentioned in details.It is known that there is a “musalla” ( a place to pray to perform salah) nearby the well .Rumour has it that, if a person ,who lost something or somebody, had performed salah there and talked to the well, the well used to answer and tell where the lost thing was.

The Tomb of Çolak Hasan Dede
This tomb, the oldest masterwork of the neighbourhood, is made of ashler and composed of two units.On the right side of the tomb, out in the open, there is a sepulcher of a müderris (Islamic professor of his age) whose occupation can be elicited from the gravestone. Inside the building, on the left hand, there is a small prayer room also can be called çilehane and on the right side there is a grave estimated to be Çolak Hasan Dede’s grave but there’s no confirmation for it. It is ascertained with the written records, Çolak Hasan Dede also had a small mosque built somewhere in the region of Sultan Ahmet Küçükayasofya ,where in he was a soldier.